I wish to express my greatest appreciation towards Ng I Fern, for the respect she has shown towards me, regardless the situation. Even though she isn't completely innocent for talking about me behind my back, I understand that we both tried to keep a professional relationship and not cause a situation that will jeopardize the Interact Club's performance.
Do not take my last post on your sister personally as I didn't mean to criticize your sister nor was I discriminating you. I was actually trying to explain the situation on how and why I landed in a high post even though I wasn't an Interactor the year before. What I'm trying to say , is that there wasn't any committed member after your sister's term and that the BOD list was left empty, how are we suppose to elect a board when not much has been done the year before to evaluate anyone's performance? Having a person name in the members list is not enough to say that one is qualified, and this is exactly how Ainaa resort to a club election, which I somehow seems to have support amongst the Interactors.
So did I criticized Azwan's English?
Most of you seemed to a have already jump to a conclusion.
No, certainly I did not.
To be fair, read the conversation I had between Azwan that led to this assumption.
Azwan : What you think about the interact new page ah?
Ameen : I think its ok lah, its just that I don't really like the language.
Azwan : Why like cina apek like that right?
Ameen : Yea kinda, because we're representing Interact Club of SMK USJ4, thats why I feel that we should use proper language.
Azwan : Well you should see the Leo's page , their's is like worst.
I didn't even insulted anyone. It was however Azwan himself who created a very slumber page based on his own will.
Ask me why ? did I get myself involve in so many works when I’m only the vice treasurer?
Because I believe in action not lips service and I was just determine to lead the club this term and I believe in working for what I want. And that is why I took on many jobs, it is not that I wanted to create hate or find fault with anyone.
I feel that all this bullshit has to stop and its best if we can have a discussion to set things straight because only by working together we form a great club, free from hypocrisy.
"I was actually trying to explain the situation on how and why I landed in a high post even though I wasn't an Interactor the year before."
ya. lets see if u dont kiss ur teachers ass u will get the post ur having now or not. new noob on the block.
"Azwan : Well you should see the Leo's page , their's is like worst."
i'm liking this a lot. prejudice against leo huh? u mind showing us the chat log? "worst"? have u read the blog? i think u should learn from them. their english are much better than urs. their blog is way more interesting than urs too. please don't twist and play around with ppl's word. be honest mr president! a task too hard for u?
"I merely even insulted anyone."
another piece of bullshit! quit trying to please others. u suck at it. stop polishing ppl's shoe too. shows ur desperate.
i wont shoot u if u never say anything wrong. don't be a disappointment to the club. take off ur mask. go figure.
waiting for ur reply ;)
Just like Malaysian politics, i find this very interestingly funny.
adoi, no need talk so much crap
no such thing as "I wish to express my greatest appreciation towards Ng I Fern, for the respect she has shown towards me, regardless the situation." THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT
wait, im wasting my time here
btw annonymous, cant u just show yourself
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